Month: February 2022

IBACS Summer Undergrad Research Grant Application Opens TODAY

IBACS Summer 2022 Undergraduate Research Grant Program 

The application period for the summer research grant program opens TODAY, and the deadline for applications will be 11:59 pm on March 14th, 2022. It is expected that applicants will be conducting research with IBACS faculty members, focusing on any research area associated with the IBACS mission.  Faculty sponsors will need to supply a letter of recommendation. Once the applicant lists the faculty advisor of the project in the form, an email will be sent to the faculty member with directions for how to submit the letter. Applicants must fill out the online application, submit a relatively short research plan (maximum of 8 pages, not including references; 12pt Times New Roman, 1” margins, double spaced) and a budget that explains in detail how the funds will be spent. 

The budget should be constructed in the following manner:  The total award will be for up to $5,000. $3,500 should go to providing the student with a summer stipend, and it is expected that the student will spend at least 10 weeks of the summer working on this project at UConn.  Up to $1,500 can be allocated for any supplies or materials that contribute to the research, including software, participant costs and any animal expenses.  It is recommended that the student first compose the research plan and budget using a word processing program, and then upload the final versions on to the website. 

Students who received a Fall 2021/Spring 2022 IBACS grant are eligible for the summer award. However, students cannot take the summer IBACS award in combination with any other major summer award (e.g. SURF). Thus, a student can apply for multiple awards, but can only accept one. The results of the grant review will be given to the student awardees in time for them to make a decision about which grant they will accept, in case they receive more than one. 

The IBACS undergraduate award applications are reviewed based on the following criteria:

  • The project description is well written and clearly explains the project.
  • The project clearly focuses on a research area associated with the IBACS mission.
  • The budget is itemized, appropriate to the project described, and reports the total cost of the project (even if it exceeds the funding requested).
  • The advisor is familiar with the student’s project and rates the student’s work to date highly. 
  • Where project applications are equally meritorious, the reviewers will take note of how the student’s project will contribute to the advisor’s research goals.
  • The student and his/her project meet the eligibility criteria.
  • The student has secured research compliance approval(s) if necessary for the project. No award will be issued until documentation of approval(s) is received.

IBACS Summer 2022 Application:

 Please visit our website for more information, including important tax details. 

Now Accepting IBACS Spring Seed Grant Applications

The Connecticut Institute for the Brain and Cognitive Sciences (CT IBACS) is pleased to announce a new call for applications to its seed grant fund. 


The seed fund is intended to fund activities in the Brain and Cognitive Sciences (broadly construed) that are likely to lead to applications for external funding, or which otherwise contribute to the mission of the Institute. Note that funding is primarily intended to cover direct research costs such as supplies, participant fees, or per diems, as well as student support. The review criteria promote innovative, novel, and collaborative projects in the field of brain and cognitive sciences that require expertise across laboratories and traditional disciplinary boundaries. Postdocs can also apply, with a faculty mentor as co-PI. We have further expanded this year’s seed grant solicitation to include COVID recovery. This addition in scope is intended to provide funds to recover or restart relevant projects that were interrupted due to COVID-19. Full details on the seed grant program, including applications (letter of intent and full seed app) and allowable costs, please check our website.

Applications for small grants (less than $10,000) can be submitted at any time; applications in excess of $10,000 (but no more than $25,000) should be submitted by April 1st 

Please submit letters of intent as soon as possible, but at least 2 weeks prior to the seed grant application deadline (by 3/18/22), to allow time for review and feedback. 

The Institute also invites applications for affiliate memberships. 

Any questions should be directed to the Institute Coordinator, Crystal Mills at

Undergraduate Research Award Recipients 2021-2022

The Undergraduate Research Supply Award provides students with funds that they can use toward supplies and other expenses associated with an ongoing independent research project. The Undergraduate Summer Research Award provides funds for students to conduct independent research during the summer session.

Fall 2021 and Spring 2022

Research Supply Award Recipients

  • Mandira Gowda – Advisor: Etan Markus
  • Mahit Gupta – Advisor: Ephraim Trakhtenberg
  • Alison Guy – Advisor: Etan Markus
  • Amisha Paul – Advisor: Joanne Conover
  • Anika Veeraraghav – Advisor: Gerry Altmann

Summer 2021

Summer Research Award Recipients

  • Margaux Acorda – Advisor: Inge-Marie Eigsti
  • Olivia Arciero – Advisor: Letty Naigles
  • Tristan Evans – Advisor: Michael O’Neill
  • Jamie Masthay – Advisor: John Salamone
  • Xinming Zhou – Advisor: Emily Myers