Our Services

The Institute for the Brain and Cognitive Sciences (IBACS) provides grants, awards, fellowships, and other services that support the scholarly productivity of UConn researchers.

Our mission is to help our affiliates have the resources they need to submit successful external funding applications. We do this by providing:

  • Internal funding opportunities that can turn small ideas into bigger ones.
  • Programs that connect researchers across disciplines.
  • Core facilities offering equipment and expertise that can take a research project to the next level.
  • Mentorship and fellowship opportunities that help graduate students and postdocs develop skills critical for career success.
  • A central hub for scientists and external funding agencies to learn about UConn’s resources.

We survey our affiliates annually to gather feedback on our services and enhance our offerings for the IBACS community.

Two students discuss a research poster.


Seed Grants

The Institute offers seed funding to support interdisciplinary research. Successful applications typically involve collaborations across laboratories and traditional disciplinary boundaries. Priority is given to projects that are likely to lead to external awards and publications, and submissions from investigators with a history of active grant proposals.

Open to: Faculty and postdoctoral affiliates

Publication Awards

The Institute awards funding to help researchers cover publication submission costs, providing affiliates with greater access to top journals.

Open to: Faculty, graduate student, and postdoctoral affiliates

Meeting Support

IBACS offers funding and limited staffing support for meetings, workshops, and conferences that align with the Institute’s mission.

Open to: Faculty, graduate students, postdoctoral, and external affiliates

External Application Review Panel

The Institute coordinates an interdisciplinary faculty panel that provides feedback to PIs on how to improve their external grant proposals. Panelists can facilitate mock interviews of in-development proposals and tailored mentoring related to grant writing. Funds are also available to invite external reviewers to provide feedback on grant drafts.

Open to: Faculty affiliates

Facilities, Resources, and Equipment Documentation for NIH/NSF Applications

The Institute offers extensive documentation of facilities, resources, and equipment that can serve as a template for your external grant application. Email crystal.mills@uconn.edu to request a copy.

Open to: Any IBACS Affiliate

Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Researchers

Outreach Fellowships

Outreach Fellows develop educational programs and initiatives that are designed to spark K-12 students’ interest in the brain and cognitive sciences. Fellows receive specialized training, professional development experience, and a stipend.

Open to: Graduate student affiliates

Summer Graduate Fellowships

The Institute offers three-month summer research fellowships to graduate students working on topics with relevance to the brain and cognitive sciences. Fellows receive specialized training on how to apply for competitive external funding opportunities.

Open to: Graduate student affiliates

Bright Path Mansfield Child Care Fellowship

This fellowship provides 20 weeks of free, full-time daycare for graduate affiliates who have become new parents.

Open to: Graduate student affiliates

Travel Awards

These awards help affiliated researchers cover travel costs for presenting their research at conferences and scholarly events.

Open to: Graduate student and postdoctoral affiliates; undergraduate students who are members of an IBACS-affiliated lab

IBACS-BIRC Research Assistantships in Neuroimaging (I-BRAIN) Program

The Institute offers a 10-hour graduate assistantship to affiliated graduate students to work in the Brain Imaging Research Core. Students receive training in neuroimaging methods and gain professional experience supporting the activities of the Core.

Open to: Graduate student affiliates

Undergraduate Students

Undergraduate Research Supply Award

These awards provide undergraduate students with funds that they can use toward supplies and other expenses associated with an ongoing independent research project.

Open to: Undergraduate students working with an IBACS-affiliated faculty member

Undergraduate Summer Research Award

These awards support undergraduate students as they conduct independent research during the summer session. Awardees receive a stipend and funding for necessary project supplies.

Open to: Undergraduate students working with an IBACS-affiliated faculty member

Services for All

Staffing and Research Support

Research Associate

The IBACS Research Associate is a Ph.D.-trained half-time staff member who provides research support to Institute-affiliated scientists.

Assistant Coordinator

The IBACS Assistant Coordinator provides staffing support to grant-funded researchers affiliated with the Institute.

IBACS-BIRC Research Assistantships in Neuroimaging (I-BRAIN) Fellowship

IBACS affiliates can collaborate with I-BRAIN Fellows, who provide specialized skills to support projects utilizing the Brain Imaging Research Core's facilities.

More Resources

Events Calendar

The Institute sponsors several events where our community members can learn and connect. We also maintain a list of colloquia and talk series coordinated by departments and programs affiliated with the Institute. Learn more on our events page.

Course Offerings

The Institute curates a list of graduate courses offered at the Storrs campus that may interest Institute-affiliated students.

Grants and Grant Writing

The Office of the Vice President for Research provides training opportunities, resources, and services to help UConn faculty build grant writing skills and produce compelling grant applications.

Part of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Grant Management Services provides hands-on assistance to CLAS faculty and staff as they apply for, secure, and track their awards.