Research Assistantships in Neuroimaging (I-BRAIN) Program

The Institute for the Brain and Cognitive Sciences (IBACS) offers assistantships for graduate students to work at the Brain Imaging Research Core (BIRC), supporting scientists with imaging experiments. Ph.D. students with MRI experience will receive advanced neuroimaging training. They will also gain professional experience supporting BIRC users in how to implement, run, and analyze studies using MRI, tDCS, TMS, NIRS, and EEG imaging methods.

Program Overview

The IBACS-BIRC Research Assistantships in Neuroimaging (I-BRAIN) Program offers a 10-hour-per-week research assistantship to three students each year. The assistantship includes a tuition waiver and additional benefits.

During the first year, research assistants are trained in neuroimaging methods, data science, and reproducibility. They spend the remaining allocated hours at BIRC, supporting users of the facilities. Examples of work include:

  • Helping design and implement experimental procedures for functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), electroencephalogram (EEG), transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), etc.
  • Advising users on how to effectively prepare research participants.
  • Advising users on data analysis.
  • Overseeing use of equipment by others.
  • Training undergraduate students with basics of equipment use.

Applicants will be expected to commit to a full year (fall and spring). Research assistants may also be eligible for summer funding and an allocation of 20 hours of resource time to be used at BIRC during the fellowship.

Roles at BIRC

Three students will be supported in the 2024-2025 cycle. Students will participate in common training activities but will primarily specialize in one of three roles at BIRC. Applicants should indicate which role(s) they prefer:

  1. Research Software Engineer. This role assists researchers in using BIRC facilities including equipment training, data analysis, sing existing software, and engineering and implementing new analytic tools when needed, implement changes to BIRC webpage when necessary. Qualified candidates will have demonstrated proficiency in Python, MATLAB, or Julia, as well as Unix-like computing environments.
  2. User Support and Communication. This role assists researchers in using BIRC facilities, including experimental design and setup, equipment training, data management, and maintaining documentation resources. The candidate will also help maintain and update BIRC official social media sites, represent BIRC at the internal events. Qualified candidates will have prior experience in designing and running in-person experiments. Familiarity with Python or MATLAB is preferred.
  3. MRI Support. This role assists researchers in obtaining and analyzing functional and structural MRI data by learning how to operate the Siemens Prisma 3T MRI Scanner to perform brain research studies when necessary. Qualified candidates will have demonstrated an understanding of MRI safety, a high level of reliability, and the ability to work with participants across the lifespan and will be responsible to conduct safety trainings for the new users.

Eligibility and Conditions

Graduate students at UConn working on topics related to the IBACS mission are eligible to apply. Subject to funding and other constraints, these assistantships could be renewed for multiple years. Recipients of the IBACS Graduate Fellowship are also eligible to apply for the I-BRAIN Program.

Applicants must commit to 10 hours per week for both fall and spring semesters. This usually means that more than 10 hours of TA or other commitment renders you ineligible.

Become an Affiliate

The I-BRAIN Program is open only to graduate students affiliated with the Institute. If you are not currently an IBACS affiliate, please complete the affiliate membership form before applying.

Membership Form

How to Apply

Required Materials

All applicants must complete and submit the I-BRAIN Program Application by the program deadline. It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that their primary supervisor will be willing to submit a supporting statement (see below).

You will be asked to provide the following materials with your application:

  • A summary of work carried out to date (half page maximum).
  • A summary plan of future work and how cognitive neuroscience will form an integral part of this work. of the applicant’s graduate research (half page maximum).
  • A summary of experience relevant to the program, addressing qualifications for the applicant’s preferred role(s) and a brief statement of how the applicant’s own research could benefit from the program.
  • An up-to-date CV.
  • A letter of support from your primary advisor. A copy of the application will be sent automatically to your advisor for their approval. Your advisor must submit a letter of support within seven days to complete the application process. You are responsible for ensuring that your advisor submits the letter of support within this timeframe. Additional details will be provided once the application has been submitted. The letter of support should address:
    • The student’s qualifications for the role.
    • How neuroimaging might be incorporated into the advisor’s research program, or how the assistantship would facilitate the next stage of an existing neuroimaging research program.

Review Criteria

Application reviewers will consider the following criteria, as well as the advisor’s statement:

  • The applicant’s progress, achievements, and qualifications, as well as potential benefits to the student, their advisor, and the program.
  • Priority may be given to applicants whose advisor is committed to establishing a new program of research in neuroimaging, or who have experience in one or more of the methods (MRI, EEG, tDCS, or TMS) in use at BIRC, or whose research might use such methods within the next year.

Key Dates

This application is now closed.

Application Status: Closed.

Contact Us

If you have questions about the application process, or if you are unsure about eligibility, please email or contact the IBACS Program Coordinator. If you are a researcher and would like to request an IBRAIN Fellows' Assistance with a project, please email . For questions about BIRC, please contact the director.