Science Alliance Mobile

The Science Alliance Mobile (SAM) is a mobile laboratory supporting research, community outreach, training, and clinical services.

What We Offer

The Science Alliance Mobile is a three room, 252-square-foot 2012 IHC Navistar LifeLine mobile laboratory. The truck is approximately 40 feet long, eight feet wide, and 13 feet tall. It is outfitted with a sound booth, behavioral testing space, a meeting room, and computer space for mobile equipment use.

We have a competitive fee structure to cover operating costs and a driver pool available for use.


Current approved rates:

Fee Rate Notes
CDL Driver (+ 2 hours for driver duties) $44.73/hour Required
Diesel Fuel (10 mpg) $4.07/gallon Required
Generator Diesel (1.28 gallons/hour while on-site) $4.07/gallon Required
One-time administrative & equipment fee $230.58/use Required
Technical Assistance $54.51/hour Optional add-on

Additional notes:

  • Fuel costs are estimated according to current rates.
  • Generator usage is calculated based on event length. If an event is to be held on Fairfield Way or a regional campus where a shore power receptacle is installed, there is no generator charge.
  • The driver’s time includes an additional two hours per event to cover preparation and breakdown.
  • The one-time administrative fee covers basic operating costs such as insurance and maintenance.

Sample Event Estimate

For 50 miles roundtrip to Hartford, Connecticut and an 8-hour event:

  • CDL Driver = $447.30 ($44.73 per hour x 10 hours).
  • Diesel Gas MPG = $20.35 [($4.07 per gallon xm50 miles)/10 mpg].
  • Generator Diesel Usage = $41.68 [(1.28 gallons per hour x 8 hours on site) x $4.07 per gallon].
  • One-time administrative & equipment fee = $230.58.

Total cost: $739.91

User Expectations

When planning an event, check with IBACS in advance to see if we have contacts for the event location. If not, you must contact on-site personnel to coordinate the event and to identify a suitable parking location. In the event of extreme temperatures, a location should be identified for the driver to go. The cab does not have HVAC unless the engine is running.

Note that we cannot guarantee a trip at any time. We have established a pool of part-time drivers with various availability, and they may accept or deny a trip request for any reason. If a cancellation occurs on our end, there will be no charge to you.

How to Get Started


To reserve the Science Alliance Mobile, please email with the subject line “SAM Reservation Request: (Event Name and Date).”

Before making a reservation, users must complete a brief training in HuskyCT consisting of a short video and quiz.

Timing and Conditions

  • Single-day reservations should be made at least two weeks in advance.
  • Fairfield Way reservations should be made at least four weeks in advance, although six weeks is preferred by Student Union Event Services.
  • Overnight trip requests must be made four weeks in advance; costs will include the driver's meals and lodging for trip duration.
  • Cancellations within one week of the trip are subject to a $230 administrative fee.

Please use this facility details document for IRB approval and the facilities section of your grant application.

Contact Us

For questions about this Science Alliance Mobile, please email or contact the IBACS Program Coordinator.