The Institute for the Brain and Cognitive Sciences (IBACS) sponsors events that bring our community members together to share, learn, and collaborate.
Featured Events
IBACS End-of-Year Event
Our annual end-of-year celebration takes place in the spring semester. It brings affiliated faculty and graduate students together for data-blitz style talks on their IBACS-funded research.
Language Fest
Language Fest is a University-wide research conference that brings together the full community of language researchers at UConn. Participants include undergraduate students, graduate students, and faculty. During this day-long conference, participants share results, ideas, and methodologies, and foster future interdisciplinary collaborations.
NEURON Conference
The NEURON (Northeast Undergraduate Research Organization for Neuroscience) Conference is an organization that provides an open forum for undergraduates and graduates to discuss their research and enhance collaboration among neuroscience educators.
Neuroscience at Storrs
The annual Neuroscience at Storrs event brings together the neuroscience community at UConn from across diverse departments and schools. It features an inspiring keynote lecture, exciting research talks, an engaging panel discussions, DataBlitz talks, and a poster session.
WISHFest Waterbury
WISHFest (Waterbury, Innovation, Sustainability, and Health) aims to advance the educational goals of UConn Waterbury, enhance the K-12-college-to-workforce pipeline, and promote partnerships among the greater Waterbury communities. WISHfest welcomes UConn Waterbury, Waterbury Public Schools (WPS), greater Waterbury businesses, industries, and the community.
Upcoming Events
Apr16Language FestALL DAY
Colloquia and Talk Series
Many departments, centers, institutes, and programs affiliated with IBACS host their own event series. They feature researchers from UConn and other institutions. Learn more about these event series below and find more upcoming events on our events calendar.
- Cognitive Science Colloquia
- Linguistics Colloquium Series
- Logic Colloquium
- Mathematics Seminar Series
- Philosophy Colloquium
- Physiology and Neurobiology Research in Progress Talks
- Psychological Sciences Colloquium
- Statistics Colloquium
- Talk Shop weekly brown bag meeting
- UConn Health Neuroscience Department Seminar Series