Become an Affiliate

Affiliates of the Institute for the Brain and Cognitive Sciences (IBACS) are scholars who take advantage of the Institute’s funding opportunities and research facilities. IBACS affiliates include UConn faculty; current and former UConn graduate students; and researchers at partner organizations with ties to UConn.

Benefits of IBACS Affiliate Membership

Faculty, Postdoctoral Researchers, and Graduate Students

Faculty, postdoctoral researchers, and graduate students whose research falls within the Institute’s mission enjoy the following benefits:

  • The ability to apply for IBACS services, including seed grants, meeting support awards, publication awards, travel awards, fellowships, and more!
  • Access to workspace in the Arjona Building (room 311); email to reserve a desk.
  • Support on external grant applications, including pre- and post-doctoral fellowships:
  • Your photo, research interests, and link listed on our affiliates page.
  • Participation in IBACS events.
  • Access to the IBACS listserv.

In return, we will ask that you list the Institute as a secondary affiliation (e.g. “Department of Cytoarchitectonics and Institute for Brain and Cognitive Science”). We may also call on you to take part in the IBACS Review Panel. Members of this panel are appointed for one academic year and are called upon to review our applications for funding relevant to their field(s).

External Affiliates

External Affiliates whose research or position falls within the broad remit of the Institute’s mission enjoy the following benefits:

  • The ability to seed funding as a co-PI if an active collaborator(s) at UConn is the primary PI.
  • Your photo, research interests, and link listed on our affiliates page.
  • Participation in IBACS events.
  • Access to the IBACS listserv.